A shared passion for various musical genres initiated the founding of the Runge & Ammon Duo 25 years ago. The two have elated international audiences with a high level of creativity that exhibits itself in original arrangements and a vast repertoire that incorporates classical, tango, jazz, Latin, film, pop and rock music.
The duo is known for its original programs, which are presented and moderated in an entertaining yet informative style. This distinct and elegant delivery addresses both classical connoisseurs and curious newcomers to the world of music.
Runge & Ammon have been regularly appearing both in prestigious concert series and clubs in Europe, the USA, China and South America. Their musical programs and albums include ‘Cello Tango’, ‘Russian Soul’ and ‘Cello Cinema’, which all received enthusiastic responses from audiences and critics. The duo’s new album ‘Baroque Blues’ will be released in 2019, revealing previously unnoted parallels between jazz and baroque music.
To celebrate Beethoven’s jubilee in 2020, the album ‘Roll Over Beethoven’ will be released, juxtaposing music by Beethoven with revolutionary icons in pop-rock history.